Tuesday, 3 November 2015

You Are Beautiful !

So from time to time we all find it hard to cope with Self Esteem, Every single person on this plant will look at themselves at least once a day and find something they don't like about themselves, So in that case you are NOT the only one.

But for some people they feel insecure more than once a day they feel its 24/7 !! I know When I get insecure its usually when I'm surrounded by people they could be old, young, male or female, but for instance if I walk into a shopping centre or the likes of somewhere so crowded I instantly feel like I'm being judged. It is probably all in my head as I have been told before but the more life goes on I realize we live in a society where if you don't fit in you are instantly watched like a Hawk.

Its only recently that I have been thinking about how we always notice the negatives on our bodies instead of the positives, like not just our looks but our personalities or strengths. 

So here is what I have found to help with your Self Confidence & Boosting that Happiness that has been hidden away in each of us.

  1. SMILE !!! Be Positive , Don't get up in the morning & be a grouch, Get up & Think "Ok I can do this, New Day , New Beginning" Everyday is a new start & a chance to start over don't let your past eat you up.          
  2. Music: When getting ready for Work, School or College pop on a happy Playlist of music, I use Spotify, Listening to happy Music seriously gets you into a good mood, Its boosts your inner happiness, Put music on while in the shower or grab that hairbrush and sing into the mirror & seriously you will feel such relief in your day its like Stress relief !!! 90s songs are always great ;) ( 90s kid right here) 
  3. Do a Good Dead: You can have a huge confidence boost by just helping someone with something so simple in their daily life, whether its making someone a Cuppa, being a listening ear for someone or just visiting a friend, make sure you do something positive instead of sitting infront of the TV binge eating as Binge eating & TV drag us down. 
  4. Wear what you Want: Dress in what you Love to wear, if you feel comfortable in something then wear it, NEVER dress in something that you feel Paranoid about. When you look good it changes your daily mood & boost that Confidence. 
  5. Your Bedroom: Now if you still live at home you probably spend a lot of time in your bedroom, Yes its just that space that is Yours and Yours only , So clear out any clutter, make it a place you want to be, get some candles & flowers, Print some pretty pictures of people or things that make you happy & make it a place you are comfortable & can be happy. Open up them windows to let any negativity out & let the fresh air in. Enjoy Your little haven!!! 
  6. Finally - Stop Comparing yourself to other people: You are You, You are Unique , There is not one person the exact same in the world, focus on your life , health, future & happiness. This will seriously be a key point in Boosting your self esteem, BE YOU :) This quote below was the college motto of the college that I went to and I have stuck by it since. 

So there it is my little tips on boosting your daily mood & self esteem, I have learned these over time with my anxiety, They do not stop my anxiety completely but I just feel they boost my daily mood & if I am happy it makes each day easier in life. 

So Smile my Beauties & Don't let any negativity get you down !! 

You Are All Beautiful ,
Love Yourself,

Much Love Beauties,
Kayleigh Xxx


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