Thursday, 5 November 2015

10 Things on my Bucket List.

Happy Thursday Beauties ,

Here is 10 out of my 1000 things from my Bucket List that I would love to do in my life.

    1.I want to Travel as much as Possible, The word Wanderlust is a big part of me. I just love travelling and have been lucky enough growing up that my parents brought us places on holiday so that we could experience other ways of life. There are so many places I want to see I think I should book an around the world ticket !! Okay Im teasing myself now.

    2. Learn more languages. I speak some french enough to get me by but I would love to be more fluent in languages. I don't have any other languages besides Gaeilge & English so I would really like to just be able to speak to people of other nationalities in their native language. I suppose this ties in with my 1st point.

    3. I want to get better at taking photographs, No Not Selfies, Actual Photographs of like Nature and stuff, I just find it relaxing. Check out my Instagram @kayleighmariepx

    4. I would love to spend the day with So many Celebs but the main one would have to be Morgan Freeman , Like seriously how cool is he, just listening to his voice instantly relaxes me, sorry thats kinda weird I know.

    5. I would love to own  3 houses one here in Ireland and 2 in other countries. 

    6. So I have always wanted to have my own range of Products, I just think it would be cool , I'd love to just be a complete Boss Lady !! I can dream Cant I ?? 

    7. I want to cook with Jamie Oliver & have a show with him. Yes I Love that guy he just makes cooking so easy to do I think I'd starve if I didnt have his recipes. They're so easy & so healthy like why eat complete junk when you can whip up something so healthy, yes I love my take aways now and again but come on its all about healthy lifestyle. 

    8. Go to a baseball Game, Now this has always just been a weird thing that Ive wanted to do like I wouldnt be going to actually watch the Game it would be so I could shout at the guy who walks around selling Hot Dogs & Beers & order stuff off him. Don't Judge me LOL !

    9. Cliff Diving. Now I love an adrenaline rush from time to time but this is weirdly something I want to do. I really want to visit as many places as I can that have cliffs that I can Dive off.

    10. Finally , I would love to build a tree house a proper big one with like electricity in it & an open fire and wifi. Seriously how cool would it be , like a little cosy tree house where you can go to get away from life for a little while and chill. Yesssss.


    So there you go Beauties thats only 10 of my 1000 things from my Bucket list , why not comment below and share 10 things from your bucket list and if you don't have one then get crackin & make one.

    Much Love Beauties,
    Kayleigh Xxx


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