Thursday, 5 November 2015

10 Things on my Bucket List.

Happy Thursday Beauties ,

Here is 10 out of my 1000 things from my Bucket List that I would love to do in my life.

    1.I want to Travel as much as Possible, The word Wanderlust is a big part of me. I just love travelling and have been lucky enough growing up that my parents brought us places on holiday so that we could experience other ways of life. There are so many places I want to see I think I should book an around the world ticket !! Okay Im teasing myself now.

    2. Learn more languages. I speak some french enough to get me by but I would love to be more fluent in languages. I don't have any other languages besides Gaeilge & English so I would really like to just be able to speak to people of other nationalities in their native language. I suppose this ties in with my 1st point.

    3. I want to get better at taking photographs, No Not Selfies, Actual Photographs of like Nature and stuff, I just find it relaxing. Check out my Instagram @kayleighmariepx

    4. I would love to spend the day with So many Celebs but the main one would have to be Morgan Freeman , Like seriously how cool is he, just listening to his voice instantly relaxes me, sorry thats kinda weird I know.

    5. I would love to own  3 houses one here in Ireland and 2 in other countries. 

    6. So I have always wanted to have my own range of Products, I just think it would be cool , I'd love to just be a complete Boss Lady !! I can dream Cant I ?? 

    7. I want to cook with Jamie Oliver & have a show with him. Yes I Love that guy he just makes cooking so easy to do I think I'd starve if I didnt have his recipes. They're so easy & so healthy like why eat complete junk when you can whip up something so healthy, yes I love my take aways now and again but come on its all about healthy lifestyle. 

    8. Go to a baseball Game, Now this has always just been a weird thing that Ive wanted to do like I wouldnt be going to actually watch the Game it would be so I could shout at the guy who walks around selling Hot Dogs & Beers & order stuff off him. Don't Judge me LOL !

    9. Cliff Diving. Now I love an adrenaline rush from time to time but this is weirdly something I want to do. I really want to visit as many places as I can that have cliffs that I can Dive off.

    10. Finally , I would love to build a tree house a proper big one with like electricity in it & an open fire and wifi. Seriously how cool would it be , like a little cosy tree house where you can go to get away from life for a little while and chill. Yesssss.


    So there you go Beauties thats only 10 of my 1000 things from my Bucket list , why not comment below and share 10 things from your bucket list and if you don't have one then get crackin & make one.

    Much Love Beauties,
    Kayleigh Xxx


    Wednesday, 4 November 2015

    School, Love, Work & Friendships.

    Over the past few days I have just been thinking about how things have changed since I was in School. Lots of questions have clouded my little brain about why things changed & how some were great changes & some not so great. So I just thought why not share a bit of what my past was like so you can all understand that my life was and is not Perfect but its where I want it at the moment and for that I am happy.

    When I left Primary school I was the only person in my class to go to a different secondary school so I was on my own. I knew a few faces from other local schools but I had no real friends in my New Secondary school so it was a big step for me. 

    I started first year with a complete class of strangers who a lot of became quite good friends through school, I was always someone who was independent but in this case I needed to fit in and I had to try my best to do so. So I instantly became friends with people who were so different to me, I was a plain jane gal from a tiny school where sport was everything & all of a sudden I was in this Huge school of hundreds of students where 13year olds had full faces of make-up. So yeah this was huge for me to adapt to, but I did. 

    When I went home to my parents and had said I wanted to try wearing make-up their response was probably not so positive straight away but I expected that and they eventually gave in to me wearing the basic bit of foundation and mascara, that was as far as they went with letting me cake my face in product.

    Then came the situation of Boys ... Now I had never thought of boys in any other way than my friends as I was just from such a small place and was so blind to all of this. I can't say I was confident which at that age you wouldn't expect someone to be confident with "having a crush", So my first boyfriend came on the scene it lasted like a few weeks or something & that was over LOL serious stuff right there.

    I became friends with a group of people who were so much more mature than I was they were the same age as I was but It matured me and I'm not sure if that was a good thing or Bad. Over my 5 years in school I went through the whole Drama of friendships ending, being on my own, Getting a boyfriend who I was with for nearly 4 years of being in school & that ended for numerous reasons mostly because our personalities were TOO alike and if that person is reading this he is probably laughing at how true that is but Hey That Relationship thought me so much and I'm always thankful for that because I wouldn't be where I am now If i didn't go through it all so Thank You to him as we basically grew up together and learned a lot.

    So I sat my leaving cert and I had already been accepted into my college course which was ITEC Beauty Therapy in LA College of Creative Arts. Now I decided with my parents that I would go to a private college because after continuous viewings of colleges nothing compared to the way of the Private college. I knew I would have people judging and passing smart remarks like,

    "Oh look whos going to Private college, Mammy & Daddy Must have loads of money",

    Well no that was not the case, I was NOT entitled to a GRANT !!! My Dad being in the Irish Army had gone overseas for 6 months to work & my Mam was child caring to help support me through college as well as making money for paying the house mortgage, putting food on the table, Petrol in the Car etc etc, For all this I am forever grateful as I wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't have that support. 

    I always had people saying how my parents always gave me money, Paid for everything, etc etc, But at the end of the day I am now in the position that I can pay back my parents & pay for my own life and future, 
    I wouldn't be able to do any of this if I hadn't got that support in the first place so thank you Mam & Dad, I love you both. 

    When I left secondary school I had all of about 2 friends, Over time them friendships faded. Not exactly sure how and I always wonder why, but I just guessed that's what happens when everyone goes to separate colleges in different counties.

    Something similar happened in College, I made a great group of friends, I lived with 3 lovely girls from 3 different counties who were absolute darlings to live with & always knew how to gather a gang for a party. In my college class I had a few girls I was closer to than others, We done everything together throughout the college year & always said we would stay friends but once again friendships fade and people move on with their lives. Now at this rate I was just accepting the fact that maybe people just didn't want to be friends anymore and had other friends to pay their attention to.  

    I really think this is where I started to suffer with my confidence, I felt like I was never good enough to fit in with people. I always came across as a confident person but for people who actually knew me they knew I wasn't as confident as I was showing.  I always felt like I was the second choice and that people would only ask me to do stuff if someone else had already said no to them. I felt REPLACED !!! 
    I graduated college and moved on with my life, I came to the conclusion that if someone wants to talk to me they will & if they don't well that's ok. My Mam has always been my bestfriend but she really became that person that I told everything to. She was who I confided in.

    Then I moved to London on my own to work, I had an Aunt and Uncle there so I wasnt 100% lonely but at the same time I didnt have friends who I actually knew and I found it so hard to mix with everyone there, I more so had colleagues than friends. I spent some time working there and moved back home. I Started working in a spa & once again the girls there were really just colleagues.  

    I met my boyfriend August 2014 & that day I found my bestfriend. ( Yes grab a bucket eww so cheesey)
    Seriously tho I did we clicked straight away & it was like we had been friends all our lives. 

    April 2015 I started working in a new place Called The River Spa in the Knightsbrooke Hotel. Now these girls are not colleagues these girls are like a family, seriously its just like we are a big group of friends who work together, we go nuts at eachother now and again but that expected in every work place especially with all the Hormones flying around the place but we really do work well together.

    I have 2 bestfriends who I will not let leave my side they are stuck with me for the rest of our lives, Sorry guys :) But yeah they are amazing I could go on and on about them we are so alike but so different at the same time & I think that contrast is needed in friendships because we are not afraid to tell each other to grow the hell up or just to wake up & smell the fresh air. We are really brutally honest with eachother and I think that's why we all get on so well.  

    So that is where my life is at the moment with friendships etc, It'll be fun to look back at this in 10 years time and see where my life is at then. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, I just felt like I wanted to share whats been on my mind the past while. 

    "No matter how hard the past, You can Always Begin Again" 

    Much Love Beauties,
    Kayleigh Xx


    Tuesday, 3 November 2015

    You Are Beautiful !

    So from time to time we all find it hard to cope with Self Esteem, Every single person on this plant will look at themselves at least once a day and find something they don't like about themselves, So in that case you are NOT the only one.

    But for some people they feel insecure more than once a day they feel its 24/7 !! I know When I get insecure its usually when I'm surrounded by people they could be old, young, male or female, but for instance if I walk into a shopping centre or the likes of somewhere so crowded I instantly feel like I'm being judged. It is probably all in my head as I have been told before but the more life goes on I realize we live in a society where if you don't fit in you are instantly watched like a Hawk.

    Its only recently that I have been thinking about how we always notice the negatives on our bodies instead of the positives, like not just our looks but our personalities or strengths. 

    So here is what I have found to help with your Self Confidence & Boosting that Happiness that has been hidden away in each of us.

    1. SMILE !!! Be Positive , Don't get up in the morning & be a grouch, Get up & Think "Ok I can do this, New Day , New Beginning" Everyday is a new start & a chance to start over don't let your past eat you up.          
    2. Music: When getting ready for Work, School or College pop on a happy Playlist of music, I use Spotify, Listening to happy Music seriously gets you into a good mood, Its boosts your inner happiness, Put music on while in the shower or grab that hairbrush and sing into the mirror & seriously you will feel such relief in your day its like Stress relief !!! 90s songs are always great ;) ( 90s kid right here) 
    3. Do a Good Dead: You can have a huge confidence boost by just helping someone with something so simple in their daily life, whether its making someone a Cuppa, being a listening ear for someone or just visiting a friend, make sure you do something positive instead of sitting infront of the TV binge eating as Binge eating & TV drag us down. 
    4. Wear what you Want: Dress in what you Love to wear, if you feel comfortable in something then wear it, NEVER dress in something that you feel Paranoid about. When you look good it changes your daily mood & boost that Confidence. 
    5. Your Bedroom: Now if you still live at home you probably spend a lot of time in your bedroom, Yes its just that space that is Yours and Yours only , So clear out any clutter, make it a place you want to be, get some candles & flowers, Print some pretty pictures of people or things that make you happy & make it a place you are comfortable & can be happy. Open up them windows to let any negativity out & let the fresh air in. Enjoy Your little haven!!! 
    6. Finally - Stop Comparing yourself to other people: You are You, You are Unique , There is not one person the exact same in the world, focus on your life , health, future & happiness. This will seriously be a key point in Boosting your self esteem, BE YOU :) This quote below was the college motto of the college that I went to and I have stuck by it since. 

    So there it is my little tips on boosting your daily mood & self esteem, I have learned these over time with my anxiety, They do not stop my anxiety completely but I just feel they boost my daily mood & if I am happy it makes each day easier in life. 

    So Smile my Beauties & Don't let any negativity get you down !! 

    You Are All Beautiful ,
    Love Yourself,

    Much Love Beauties,
    Kayleigh Xxx


    Monday, 2 November 2015

    Skin Care Tips for this Winter!!

    Hey Beauties,

    I hope all you lovely people have been keeping well ! I am sorry I have been so quiet, my laptop broke & I have been working like crazy to save for a new one but hey these things aren't cheap and there are other priorities in life than electrical's.So as it is now November and fast approaching that cold winter season I have decided to post some tips on keeping your skin in good order.
    1. SPF: Seriously this is a huge thing, if you do not wear a moisturizer with some kind of SPF in it you may kiss your healthy skin goodbye. I do not leave the house unless I have some kind of SPF on my skin there are such harmful rays out there and it can be lashing & the weather can still harm the skin

       2. Moisturize: Now this is my key point to having healthy skin, Lots of people say "You are so lucky your skin is clear" Well this is due to my skin routine, I NEVER leave the house without moisturizer on  my skin. I am currently using the Hydra Boost Day & Night cream. I swear by this stuff it give such a long lasting hydration to the skin.                                                                                                            

    3. Water: I repeat this constantly to each client I meet in work, Hydration is key to good skin. I believe you should drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. Now everyone has their own opinion on water intake but I feel that is what suits my body & skin & I feel the benefits of keeping hydrated, not just in my skin but in my energy levels. Dehydration is one of the main causes of dry, aging skin. So keep  HYDRATED.                                                                 
      4. Sleep: So this time of year our sleep patterns tend to mess up a little, It is proven that if you are not gaining your 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night you can suffer skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles & dry skin. So turn off that TV or laptop, Put down that phone & Get some shut eye. 

    5. Exfoliation: Yes exfoliating is fantastic for the skin but only if you do its ONCE A WEEK!! If we over exfoliate the skin it wares away the protective layers of the skin and can cause sensitivity which at this time of the year is not something you want with harsh winds hitting the skin and causing redness. So Yes I do suggest exfoliating but only ever once a week ! 

    6. Keep Your Lips Moist: There is nothing worse than chapped lips, it doesn't just look bad it feels bad too, always carry some kind of lip protector with you as they are so easily dried out. I am currently using the Nivea Hydro Care lip balm which is amazing. Tip* Apply Lip balm at night for lasting hydration on the lips.


    So that is all for now Beauties I hope these tips help you with prepping your skin this winter, If you have any tips post them in the comments I would love to hear them!! 

    Much Love,
    Kayleigh Xx

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