Here is 10 out of my 1000 things from my Bucket List that I would love to do in my life.
2. Learn more languages. I speak some french enough to get me by but I would love to be more fluent in languages. I don't have any other languages besides Gaeilge & English so I would really like to just be able to speak to people of other nationalities in their native language. I suppose this ties in with my 1st point.
3. I want to get better at taking photographs, No Not Selfies, Actual Photographs of like Nature and stuff, I just find it relaxing. Check out my Instagram @kayleighmariepx
4. I would love to spend the day with So many Celebs but the main one would have to be Morgan Freeman , Like seriously how cool is he, just listening to his voice instantly relaxes me, sorry thats kinda weird I know.
5. I would love to own 3 houses one here in Ireland and 2 in other countries.
6. So I have always wanted to have my own range of Products, I just think it would be cool , I'd love to just be a complete Boss Lady !! I can dream Cant I ??
7. I want to cook with Jamie Oliver & have a show with him. Yes I Love that guy he just makes cooking so easy to do I think I'd starve if I didnt have his recipes. They're so easy & so healthy like why eat complete junk when you can whip up something so healthy, yes I love my take aways now and again but come on its all about healthy lifestyle.
9. Cliff Diving. Now I love an adrenaline rush from time to time but this is weirdly something I want to do. I really want to visit as many places as I can that have cliffs that I can Dive off.
10. Finally , I would love to build a tree house a proper big one with like electricity in it & an open fire and wifi. Seriously how cool would it be , like a little cosy tree house where you can go to get away from life for a little while and chill. Yesssss.
So there you go Beauties thats only 10 of my 1000 things from my Bucket list , why not comment below and share 10 things from your bucket list and if you don't have one then get crackin & make one.
Much Love Beauties,
Kayleigh Xxx