Over the past couple of months I have started to attend a local gym, most people will say " You're so skinny you don't need to workout!" I cringe at that sentence as it just show how our society thinks. The gym is not just for weight loss, it is also for bettering your fitness and yes Gaining weight. "Hypotrophy" is the word used to describe the process of gaining weight in the form of muscle.
This is what I have been doing over the past while.
Why Am I On This Weight Gain Journey You Ask ?
Back in December I had my tonsils removed and over the recovery time it was ridiculously hard to eat meaning I was getting very little nutrients into my system. I ended up losing a wee bit of weight putting me into and underweight category.
Over the time of getting myself better I began to notice what people would say to me. It was never "How are you feeling?" but a shocked "Omg You Look so Sick" or "You look so skinny are you not eating?" Now obviously I just smiled and passed it off but deep down my emotions were going crazy, I hated my body, one lady I met in the Shop even said "God you're gone very pale and sick looking", Automatically I had a full shop of people staring at me, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then.
Once I had gotten over the Operation and got myself better I began researching how to gain weight and the best foods to eat, that was an Epic Fail. My metabolism is ridiculously fast and food doesn't stay in my body any longer than it needs to it burns it off in a flash.
My last resort
The Fit Factory.
For those of you who have been living under a rock, The Fit Factory is a gem hidden in Gravelstown, Carlanstown in Co. Meath.
David Moran is the Genius behind the Fit Factory he basically created a haven of fitness and a place to go and just completely forget all your worries. There is nothing better than going to workout along side like minded people who are all there for their own reasons and don't look at you like you dont belong there.
Also a huge reason I love the Fit Factory "THERE ARE NO POSERS!!" Yes no-one taking pictures of their ridiculous arms and abs in the mirrors.
There is a free weights gym which basically refers to weights such as barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and medicine balls, which are weights used for building strength , balance and muscles mass. Now I really only know this from listening to literally everything I am being told. The Free weights gym is where I spend my time as I am literally concentrating on gaining strength and weight. Paul who is the trainer in the gym does individual programs for each person suitable to their goals and they get tougher each session but make you push harder for your results.
David also runs classes which are so intense but amazing, the results people have got with these classes are jaw dropping. So it just proves when you have a trainer with the right knowledge and when you have determination, you can do anything.
I have been off my game this week with training but it was my birthday so hey I suppose I can use that as an excuse ;)
Thank You to Paul & David for their help so far in putting me on the path to getting nice and healthy.
so there you go guys and gals, if you are afraid of getting into fitness and working out don't be, I was a nervous wreck going for my first time but remember, everyone has a different story.
I Hope you all enjoyed this post !! Be sure to head over and like the fit factory page on facebook.
Much Love
Kayleigh xx
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