I know I have been completely off my game on my blogging this past while and I am so disappointed in myself for not posting as much as I was. I just wanted to come on and have a quick chat and explain where I have been and why my blog had to take a back seat for the past while.
I just felt lost.
My last blog post I wrote was on "Skinny VS Fat" which I posted in July. I wrote this when I was completely strict on my workout schedule and being so strict on my meal prep etc, to be honest I felt my fitness started to take over my life. I would go to the gym maybe 5 days a week which was usually the evenings after work and on my days off I would spend meal prepping and then going to the gym. This was all before my holidays as I wanted to gain as much weight as possible before holidays so I didn't look lost in my bikini by it hanging off me.
When I came back from Holidays I definitely had post holiday blues! I love travelling and anyone that knows me knows I hate coming back to Ireland after a trip away, I just want to board the next plane to anywhere but Ireland. I had such an amazing time in Morocco and didn't feel myself when I came home. It took so much energy to get me back into my gym program.
Work has also been a little crazy the last while and I have been so exhausted and drained that by the time I get home from work I don't want to go anywhere but bed so hence why the gym and my blogging got thrown aside.
So I am trying my best to get back on the road to getting my blog posts more frequent & I hope you all understand why I have been so off game. I get so many questions about why I dont post as much and I hope this explains it to you.
Much love as always,
Kayleigh xo
Snapchat: @kayleighblogs
Facebook; @thatskinnygirl
Look after yourself Kayleigh! Thats the most important thing :) x